Tag: <span>cookies</span>


Since we’ve become parents, we’ve swapped out Sunday afternoon drinks for gelato. No complaints though since the gelato in question was Capogiro which recently moved into our neighborhood in the form of Capofitto serving both their gelato as well as pizza and libations. Sophia chose dark chocolate and burnt sugar as her flavors and ended up preferring the burnt sugar over the chocolate. This is yet further evidence that she takes after Evan’s family and not mine. I cannot imagine anyone in my family choosing any other flavor over chocolate.



Alas, with spring and school visits come colds and so we spent quite a bit of time with family on Saturday while Sophia was getting over a cold. And since sharing is caring, Sophia showered love her little sister with love and open mouthed kisses. Little Eliza is now a major grump with a runny nose, a fever and likely teething. Trying to keep her spirits up, we let her try a галета (galette) which is a basic biscuit cookie and something most kids in the USSR grew up eating from a very early age. I remember having them with milk or tea before bed. My mom used to steep one in hot water and mix with grated apple as a snack when we were little. I do the same thing for Eliza now.

wall_climberAnd since neither the weather nor runny noses were conducive to a lot of time outdoors, the kids have literally been climbing the walls. Spring, I mean proper spring, can’t come soon enough!

