My parents in-law visited with us yesterday. We were looking forward to have two extra pairs of helpings hands with Sophia and maybe even garden a little. Although very sunny, the weather was still too chilly and instead we opted to do taxes (my husband) and bake (me). Before the baking, there was lunch to be made and I decided to continue paying homage to all the greenery with Zucchini Pancakes with Garlic Creme Fraiche. The pancakes take 15 minutes to make and have just five ingredients. They taste light, refreshing and perfect for a Sunday lunch which I like to have without too much fuss or work.

But for those who need something a little more substantial, there was Capered Tuna Salad. This is not your typical, heavy tuna salad! I use salty, briny capers to interject some of that missing salty flavor that somehow magically go missing from supermarket canned tuna.

Finally, there was Grilled Chicken Sausage, Onion and Peppers.

Odd combination it may seem, but it was a truly delicious and satisfying the brunch/lunch.
Lastly, credit is given where it is due: the hubby did the grilling and there is nothing that can substitute the flavor a charcoal grill imparts!
Do you have a favorite dish that you make for brunch? Share your ideas here.

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