What is Love.

“I love you, Mama!”, “Mama, hug!”, “Mama, kiss!” … my daily treasures — the best parts of my every day. They are extra special when they come in the evenings between nuzzles, giggles, and valiant efforts to stretch the bedtime routine. Instantly, I am awash in unbelievable warmth, an indescribable feeling of otherworldly joy knowing that my 2 years of sleepless nights are worth it despite momentary lapses in believing otherwise. Sophia’s delighted squeals and laughter, powerful enough to cause her hiccups, are my affirmation that she knows that she is loved. This is a universal truth — there is no greater pleasure than to love and to be loved. There is also no greater motivator and supporter than knowing that you are loved, supported, rooted for and that is perhaps one of the  best kept secrets of successful people — they are simply loved.

I was shocked to find out that not everyone (besides Prince Charles) knows what love is. I grew up in a house where hugs and kisses and tough love were doled out in plenty. How can people reach their twenties and not know what love is? Unfortunately, I know too well — though there is still hope —  remedial love school 😉 in the form of wet kisses and knowing glances. The past can’t be changed, and besides, it shouldn’t be judged so harshly — hindsight is 20/20. But the now is ours to cease, to make whatever we like, ours to change and make a difference. So go on, turn around and say I love you! to the one beside you.


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