Never underestimate how incredible the human spirit is and how much resilience it can provide. I was especially reminded of this in the last few days as our household was caught in the perfect storm—we moved, had a sick child at home, and we maintained our regular working schedule. I suppose Evan and I do like to do this, to compound our lives at certain times and undergo periods of surreal stress. The last time we did this was when we moved from Maryland the very same weekend my sister-in-law got married. We were in the bridal party and so was Sophia. Oh, and let’s not forget that I had a three-month, nursing baby. It was incredibly difficult but we emerged stronger from that experience and perhaps that is what prepared us for this move.
In any event, the move isn’t complete and I really hope that I won’t need a change of linens in the middle of the night because my linen closet at the old place, for example, is still full. There are no complaints, no regrets, just sharing that life is hectic around our parts and this is why this blog has been a bit sparse as of late.
The girls don’t understand, nor should they have to, that moving wreaks havoc on your everyday life. As such, we have tried to maintain a sense of normalcy for them choosing to organize and unpack their rooms and possessions first. We have continued to bake, cook, and entertain family.