Tag: <span>trip</span>

Once upon a time there was a young couple who loved to travel. Travel they did, to places far and wide but then, they had a family … IMG_1080

Traveling with children is not always easy, and yet, traveling, getting away, vacationing, enjoying time just the two of you, and nurturing your relationship is of utmost importance. Having recognized that, Evan and I took a trip to Denmark. Just the two of us. Just last week. No kids, just us.

This is exactly the reason this blog has been quiet while our own lives and those of our children have been anything but. I couldn’t share news of our upcoming trips for reasons which I am not able to share here publicly but am more than happy if anyone is curious.

We took a just-us getaway a few years ago when Sophia was 18 months old. At the time, and rightfully so, we decided that it was imperative to recharge after surviving our first year as parents. Now, we decided to repeat and recharge after surviving our first year as parents of two.

The nitty gritty: 8 days, in Denmark. Just Denmark. A direct flight from Newark on SAS which is Scandinavian.

IMG_3359Just after the take off—the way we like it.
IMG_3696.JPGJust before landing.

Eight days may, for some, mean endless traveling and ambitious itineraries. For us, eight sun-filled days meant the Danish Riviera and Copenhagen. It meant the sun, lazy drives along the sea, castles that are the stuff of legends (Kronborg), Christiania, the Glyptotek, coffee, Smørrebrød, Danish design principles, antiques, crafts, and meals taken at leisure. In reality, it meant just the two of us, partaking in a shared passion, rediscovering our interests, old and new. 

We are very pleased with this trip. Grateful to our parents who all chipped in and helped with the kids. We didn’t worry about Sophia and Eliza, we knew that, just like my sister and I loved our time with Baba and Deda, our kids would like theirs with Baba and Deda and Grammie and Pop. The rest of this trip, how we went about it, what we saw, did, didn’t do, and more will follow this post.

Moments Travel