Just Three

Just the three of us and just three days off. Memorial Day weekend came and went and I am here to report that we had a great time. First and foremost … as this dictates the fun-levels when hanging out around the house is weather. The rain held off as did the heat and the humidity. We spent hours outside at the playground, visiting the zoo, our local pool (we didn’t go in, but went to re-acquaint ourselves) and gardening. I finally planted those tomato and pepper plants and tried my best to fortify the garden to prevent little rabbits and chipmunks from snacking on our goodies. Sophia’s taken a keen interest in gardening and especially loves to smell all the herbs. She happily rips off a little mint leaf smells it and then urges hubby and me to follow suit. I hope this will help educate her that our veggies don’t grow shrink-wrapped in the supermarket.


Zoo1We also tried some new recipes like this chicken curry from none other than Bon Appetit.

MDayCurryand these beignets


… getting a shower of cinnamon sugarMDayBeignets2

… and tada!



… they’re light and fluffy and even our youngest gourmand helped herself to one.

But as healthy good as those beignets were, there is nothing like a fresh radish and scallion salad with a touch of sour cream (you can also use yogurt to dress).


I grew up eating salads like this one, and it is just a refreshing and welcoming spring greeting much like the weekend itself.


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