Category: <span>Style</span>

Labor Day is always bittersweet. It is the summer’s last hurrah providing families and friends with a sun-filled opportunity to spend time together before the start of the school year. We made the most of the three-day weekend starting with Ladies’ Night on Friday. Evan was meeting a friend of his for dinner/drinks and so the girls and I took Old City by force on a beautiful First Friday. They loved visiting the galleries and felt so sophisticated sporting their purses that Baba bought them in Budapest. 

Saturday was just as action packed with a visit to my in-laws for a bit of time in the country, followed by a double birthday celebration for our cousins who turned six and seven. I loved that my family gets together for kids’ birthdays and spends time together just being while the kids play. The rest of the weekend was decidedly lower-key and craft filled. The girls spent most of the day on Monday at their Baba and Deda’s house and the highlight of the day was their visit with my sister. I am so grateful that she made time for her nieces and they were over the moon from all the attention.

We did continue decorating and setting up Sophia’s room with goodies we find in our basement from our previous residences. I originally picked this rug out for Sophia’s nursery but we ended up putting it away in our house in Maryland after she started walking. It really fits into her space now and makes for a cozy play corner with her doll-house and a sitting pillow. We’re not ready for the school year and for fall in general but we did enjoy the weekend.

FriendsFamily Life Mom's Cooking Play Style

There doesn’t always have to be a reason to share something, does there?


Life Moments Style

Things… things, not people. Otherwise, I’d start this post with “my baby, … hubby”…

There are those classics that never go out of style and then there are trends. I like to maintain plenty of classics and then update with a few things that are “in” that I happen to be jonesing for.

  • Boyfriend watches – hubby finds me amazing ones that are made in china in the same factories as fancy shmancy ones. They work just as well, look just the same and cost a fraction (a small one) of the price. I would agree that watches are something of an accessory and as such should be fine, except I beat mine up while taking over the world working. I also like to layer the watches with a few delicate bracelets to balance out the chunkiness of the watch.
  • Amazing ballet flats – because I am a mom now and heels are tough when lugging a giant meatball baby.
  • Anything from Anthropologie – though I usually limit myself to the sale rack there. Prices are quite steep and they take markdowns often…


There has been much discussion and many emails reaching out about the entries where I detail the possessions we left behind when my family left for America. Now that my life’s possessions need not fit into two suitcases every time I move, I have put together collections of precious, valuable pieces. I have a set of rules and preferences that define what I buy, keep and like. These rules are one of those things (like traveling) that my husband and I agree on.

  • I buy and own very few clothes. In fact, my husband has more clothes than I do. I like quality pieces and prefer to own fewer, better quality articles that last and remain timeless through the years.
  • I, like many other Americans love a good bargain. That said, I don’t care about how good the bargain is if the article in question is not exactly what I want. Durable and stylish, else the retailer cannot pay me enough money to take it out of the store or put it on myself.
  • Bargain or not, if it looks good, it is a good piece and I like it, I’ll likely get it. Good things are like good men — they don’t come around too often. 🙂
  • Leather, not pleather. Wool, not polyester. Murano wool, cashmere and all things soft, breathable, fair trade, as organic as possible.
  • Shoes — Italy and Brazil
  • Purses — France and Italy
  • Wool — Ireland, Scotland, Iceland

Perhaps more important than clothes, are things that can and do last a lifetime if not more: purses, belts, and fine jewelry. I have a special place in my heart for brooches and purses. These are pieces that I have long collected, researched and will pass on to Sophia. Among my great, unique discoveries and finds are Alexis Bittar about 10 years ago — before he started to mass produce and wasn’t yet sold in Nordstrom and the likes. My pieces were hand-made by him and a small team of artisans and purchased for a quarter of the price.

These values are special, instilled in me by my mother who learned them from her mother and so on. These values I will instill into Sophia and pass on beautiful, timeless pieces too. She will know quality over quantity.
